Review process
The articles are initially verified by the Editorial Board of the Journal, under which they can be accepted for review, rejected or sent back to the author with suggestions of necessary additions or corrections. By sending an article to the editorial office, the author agrees to its review.
After the initial assessment of the text's compliance with the profile and general rules applied in the journal, the article is sent to two reviewers in the double-blind review system. The list of reviewers is posted on the website of "Psychotherapy Psychodynamic in Poland".
Reviewers prepare opinions in the form of written comments or recommendations. The review contains the final conclusion, expressed by assigning the text to one of four categories:
Accept for printing without changes or with minor technical and editorial corrections.
Accept after taking into account the (few) corrections indicated by the reviewer.
Reconsider after major corrections and re-review.
The anonymised content of the review is made available to the author. If one of the reviews is positive and the other negative, the editors have the right to appoint a third reviewer. In the event that the author does not accept the comments of reviewers and the editors, or the editors do not agree with the author's corrections, the author may withdraw the text, and the editors may reject the text. The final decision on publishing the article, rejecting it or referring it for correction is made collectively by the editorial staff of the journal.